Learned. When you reach 14th level, choose a single making a separate attack roll for each target.spell of 7th level or lower from the warlocks spell list. The wind-touched are revered by believers and scrutinizedby skeptics. Theyare one of the longest-lived races among the humblefolk. Likewise, birdfolk or humblefolk characters visiting other lands Vulpin should add Common to their language list. We have illustrated forests flooded with beams of light, tangled and treacherousswamps you must battle your way through with determination, and cosy interiors where you canalmost smell the jerbeen-sized loaves baking in the oven. Cervans like to antlers or buds visible on their heads, only rarely is a cervanpursue skills independently in order to give themselves a sense born who can grow a full set of antlers. As a huden gallus, you are of the land. The magic of animals and their usually unseen lives intrigues us, sparks our imagination, and we see a lot of ourselves in them when we finally slow down enough to look. I keep a distance from others so they wont learn3 Im eager to show the benefits of my 3 of my fears. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.they are not very strong, brave, or powerful on their own. You are free to select in the teaching, is often invoked to illustrate this point.these from among the languages offered in other 5e material,but there are several languages which are specific to the Wood. They livecontain the odd family of jerbeen, or a few lone hedges. Keen observers, you can determine any magical properties the item has, howthey trade in information the way others trade goods. Age. The Blessing of CairithThough their wariness has earned them a reputation as timid,cervans are cautious because they remain active and alert, and While its not unusual for some cervans to have smallgenerally prefer practice to contemplation. Attacks made against you thisBardic Inspiration to gain the benefits of this Dark Invocation round have advantage.for 10 minutes. Any additional dice added to the attacks damage roll are not affected by this ability. Most fledgling lumas approach social situations with gifts with magical education, powerful luma wizards and radi-hesitation, until a time when society inevitably labels them an cal scholars have been at the forefront of magical innovationoutcast or a notable figure, and the individual naturally adapts for some time in Humblewood.to the role.Touched To most, lumas seem perpetually disorganized anddistracted, which has lead to a belief that they are of low16 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodOf Two Worlds (though you may drop any held items as part of your reaction to spread your arms). Intimidating BanterCreature of the Night At 3rd level, you are adept at integrating insults and barbs into your fighting style. Welcome to the Wood 10 3. However, if suddenly frightened, theirfeelings and sensitivities of others, something considered to be quills reflexively flare out and stiffen, an accident which canof utmost importance in hedge society. Something made you decide that path was nolonger worth pursuing, and you left that life behind. By spending an action examining any object,ingly, to be among the smartest of birdfolk. Before the Treaty, vulpin raiders CERVAN TRAITSand mapach thieves were serious threats. ll You do not fall prone after taking falling damage. You can speak, read, and write Birdfolk.close-knit communities wherever they roost, and their sense You can also understand Auran, though you cannot speakof pride for their community runs deep. used to prepare hearty and nutritious meals on the road. Dungeons & Dragons: The Ten Most Useful Races in Humblewood - CBR Have you the courage to find out? Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 25a I shall reclaim the Gasparian Isles and return my family to their homeland - Pico Piante, Swashbuckler Extraordinaire26 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodJerbeen tiny yet brave Jerbeens are small mouse-like folk with long, furred tailsthat help them balance. Unless I missed something else, it doesn't give you a new way to triggera check, becausenormally using intimidation in combat would require your action unless you have a generous DM who lets you use it for free (which they probably shouldn't). (Stealth) checks when you attempt to hide in a forest.Woodland Survivors Languages. Like this book? While curledup you cannot move, attack, or cast spells with somaticcomponents, and your base armor class becomes 19. So, without further delay, here is our ranking of every Druid subclass in D&D 5e! DnD Best Homebrew Classes (Top 10) | GAMERS DECIDE * A venerable wizard shared secrets of maintain concentration on it, up to 10 minutes.evocation magic with you. You have a deepconnection to the magic of theWood. You have proficiency in the Performance skill. You gain the following benefits:ll You may glide while holding a heavy weapon and wearing You have lived your entire life in the gnarled, wooded areas of the world. Won over by the art and thinking it would be a fun introduction to roleplaying for my young kids, I splurged on the box set and now have a 224 hardcover book in my hands. There are some gamers who claim to be happy if they could get a 10-point Word printout of a game if . They had stories to tell, and every one of them has their own personality and quirks. However, the cover of darkness also brings protection Finally, at 17th level, your eyes are able to see the truthfrom predators and shadows within which one can conceal hiding within darkness. You have proficiency in either the Deceptionor Persuasion skill. Another race of birdfolk, Raptors resemble birds such as eagles and hawks, and they have access to the glide ability like all forms of birdfolk. Your ability to utilize your knowl-edge to your advantage, along with your deep understandingof others motivations, makes you a formidable opponent. 5 I will prove my worth, even if it means putting myself and my friends in danger.7 I avoid showing my power at all costs. . The Deck of Many Presents TM CAMPAIGN SETTINGCOMPATIBLEGot feedback? I have had an affinity for nature and animals my entirelife, which has been my primary source of inspiration for much of my personal work. Maran raptors Humblefolkcould also take visual inspiration from seabirds, notably petrelsor shearwaters, due to their swim speed. JOIN OUR SERVER @THEDECKOFMANY deckofmany.com/discordTMCAMPAIGN SETTINGCreditsWriting and Game Design: Christopher Pinch, Interior Illustrators: L eesha Hannigan,Matthew Gravelyn, Jordan Richer, Andrea Radeck, Anneliese Mak, April Prime,Andrea Bruce, TR Rowe Beck Hallstedt, Ben Zweifel, Brittany Pezzillo, Christina Kraus, Christina Pirvu, Crystal Sully,Concept Creators: Ricardo Evangelho, Cynthia F.G., Derek Murphy, Emily Hare, Jordan Richer, Leesha Hannigan, Griffin Macaulay, Ilse Gort, Jason Rainville, Andrea Bruce Jen Pattison, Jon Neimeister, Julia Metzger, Katy Grierson, Kiana Hamm, KimberliEditors: Andrea Bruce, TR Rowe, Johnson, Lake Hurwitz, Lauren Henderson, Dominik ParisienArt Director: Leesha Hannigan Matei Monoranu, Paul Scott Canavan, Risa Hulett, Sarah Webb, Tiffany Turrill,Graphic Designers: Ricardo Evangelho, Vadim Ciocazan, Valeria Ivanova, Rajaa Al-Subairi Veronika Fedorova Front Cover Illustrators: Leesha Hannigan, Additional Contributors: Holly Conrad, Christina Kraus Deven Rue, Catherine HaritonBack Cover Illustrator: D erek Murphy Special Thanks: Gail Simone, Erika Ishii,Cartographers: Hugo Solis, Tim Paul Piotorwski, Brian Scott Walters, Geoffrey Palmer,Blue Sword Games, David Lanza Cebrian Russ Charles, Corrina Malone An extra-special thanks to our amazing 14,604Kickstarter backers who helped bring this project to life! Some pass a variety of builds from svelt to wide, weighing betweenmay consider them brash, but mapachs know that opportu- 90 and 160 pounds. You gainof mortals. The crea-different skills. Scofflaws can only be selected once):might find their talents useful among the Bandit Coalition, ll You gain proficiency with a Gaming Set of your choiceand bards from the College of the Road can be found sharingtales around campfires and hearths all across Humblewood. But the Wood has also known sorrow. Resem- you land. You can see in dim light within 60 feet ofobvious traps. Being small and facing many threats in theworld, jerbeens are sensitive to the feelings of others, and tendtowards good alignments. Your Charisma score increases by 2. 2023 Wizards. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 43d6 Ideal GROUNDED Despite the inherent vertical aspects of birdfolk culture,1 Repentance. Their job often finds them working alone which makesthat suits your character. you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Posted by 2 years ago. Enemies within the shadows constantly feel the presenceof hungry predators watching them, and become frightened Additionally, whenever you hit with an improvisedas long as they remain inside the affected area. In reality, they are processing the arms). You can expend one use ofyour Bardic Inspiration as an action to conjure a forest guard- Hunting Lessons. Theycalm and weigh ones options. A bully from my childhood now holds a position d6 Acceptance of power in my home perch.3 I follow the teachings of a wise outcast I met in 1 I am truly blessed and have power over the my travels. However, these efforts arent always met within the most ancient parts of Humblewoods vast forest, in tree success. There is two subclasses of Cervan. Patient. You have proficiency with improvised weapons, and treat any improvised weapon you handle as if it has the finesse quality. Your carrying capacity is doubled, as is theweight you can push, drag, or lift. But now, fires and bandits have embroiled the Woods in chaos. providing leadership, and stamping out dissention where necessary, often with force. Your size is Small.dwarfed by nearly every kind of creature they encounter. Infamy At 15th level, your reputation precedes you, making it easy for you to strike fear into the hearts of anyone foolish enough to oppose you. In addition to Glide, Strigs gain +2 strength, are at their strongest when in a forest. Whenever you take the attack action against an opponent you have successfully misdirected this turn, or an opponent that is afflicted by a condition, you may make one additional attack against that opponent. Additionally, your Magnificent Feast produces twice as many foodstuffs, each of which can, when consumed, remove a single curse or disease affecting the target (including attunement to a cursed item).9th mass cure wounds, telepathic bond Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 39Night Domain At 8th level, you can see normally in darkness, both magi- cal and nonmagical within 120 feet. You may choose to takedouble the necrotic damage you rolled on your Bardic Inspira- At 14th level, your experience has taught you how to reallytion die to instead have the effect last for 1 hour. Your unique insight allows unless we do something about it. Flames ravage the land and destroy the homes of the humblefolk, stoking a growing resentment against the birdfolk, whose cities have managed to avoid the worst of the fires so far. The humblefolkwitnessed by the birdfolk, who were just then beginning are resilient, and each race will devise a way to survive in thisto shape the trunk of Alderheart. Joining forces with the humblefolk, the birdfolk army, known as the Perch Guard, drove back the bandits, bringing peace and security to the region. Visions of the evil they have wrought upon others flash 3rd aid, heroism before their eyes. You have proficiency in the Inspiring. You can decide to do this after your roll, but only before the outcome of the roll has beenLUMA TRAITS determined. Mapachs are adept at surviving tough woodland condi-tions, and at intuiting the right course of action when faced Size. So today, we're going toanalyze the ten races ofHumblewood and examine which are the most useful and powerful! Though a1 Adversity. most treacherous terrain. Our jobs are time consuming, our lives are hard and complicated, our food is grown in places we will never see and sits on a shelf for our consump- tion wrapped in plastic. You can also understand Auran, though you cannot speakCORVUM TRAITS it naturally. Or perhaps you are a storyteller from another world. This, combined with their Age. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 41Misdirection At 7th level, you are adept at using words and gestures to taunt or fake- out your opponent, turning their lack of composure against them. When you select this option, choose a Eldritch gain advantage on the attack. If this is the case, simply use the character may look different than other members of its race.number provided in this column. You have a set of large, strong antlers thatcan be used to make devastating charge attacks. The origins of the fire are unknown, but it left the area permanently damaged. The marvelous Humblewood setting for D&D 5e is very close to public release and I'm here to tell you what lies in store! The community domain focuses on the ties that bind all people together. Before the Humblefolk Treaty was signed, vulpinscontrolled a large part of the Wood outside the influence of thebirdfolk, and bands of vulpin raiders provided their own kinwith a wealth of plundered goods at the expense of birdfolkand other humblefolk alike. ll You gain proficiency with a martial weapon of your choiceBARD ll You gain proficiency with Herbalism KitsBard College ll You gain proficiency with Thieves' Tools At 3rd level, when choosing a Bard College, the following ll You gain proficiency with a skill of your choiceoption is available: The College of the Road. I really like this feature, but I do feel like the differences should just be added to the Tavern Brawler feat. The DC for this saving throw is 8 + your profi- ciency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. 2 I am looked upon as a traitor to my people.3 I harbor a terrible secret that might change how 3 My family wants me to return to the perch, but I people think of me if it got out. Number 3 - The Circle of the Shepherd. Birds with brighterkinds, ranging from those with small rounded bodies, suited or more decorative plumage would correspond to sera lumas,to ground life, to those with longer proportions. 6th Channel Divinity: Community Watch Once per round, a creature benefitting from this boon can roll a d6, adding the result to a skill check, saving throw, or attack 8th Divine Strike (1d8) roll. You can choose to reroll any attack,those who pass judgement. Domain of Night (5e Subclass) - D&D Wiki - dandwiki.com * A skilled ranger taught you how toian spirit in an unoccupied space you can see within 60 feet of use your magic to pinpoint your quarrys weak spots. OnceMany teach their followers that it is only by peering through you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until youthe darkness and looking beyond what is hidden that one have completed a long rest.can attain truth. While doing so, you continue to fall gentlyat a speed of 60 feet per round, taking no fall damage when20 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodSubrace. You cannot glide while wearing heavy armor, or if youThe gallus are proud of their appearances but not to the point are encumbered.of vanity. Youare most capable when immersed inthe forest. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. It lets me pick the race but it then won't let me pick the subclass for the race #6 May 20, 2020. D&D Beyond Importer | Foundry Virtual Tabletop Through speech and touch you can communicate simple ideas Understanding. Who cares what others think of me, choice), an ornate cloak, a symbol of the wind, common5 so long as my actions reflect how I feel in my clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp heart? We are encouraged by the strong reception of the Model Y in China and are quickly progressing to full production capacity. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TTMM TMHumblewood Campaign Setting is Copyright 2019 Hit Point Press Inc., 1175 Brookfield Rd East, Ottawa,Ontario, K1V0C3, Canada. in the basics of combat triage. Allies must be able to see you and be within 30 feet to receive the boon. Subclass is unplayable (in my opinion) of you don't optimize for it. This activity is considered an functional versions of common items using materials presentart form among mapachs, on par with the high art of other in your surroundings. From fonts, to character sheets, handouts and more. powered flight, the strong hollow bones and lightweight bodies of birdfolk allow them to easily use their feathered arms toTHE BIRDFOLK glide, and unless severely encumbered, all birdfolk can recover gracefully from what would otherwise be a deadly fall. 7th banishment, faithful hound Paragon of the People At 17th level, your Community Watch grants an additional d6 to each affected ally. You have advantage onStealth checks made in dim lightand darkness. 18th Two For Flinching, Brutal Brawler Improvement, Blindside Improvement You may choose the order in which creatures within thespells area are affected. Eatingto provide. Hedges are compassionate, empathetic, andcreatures, results in fewer occasions for conflict. Humblewood is an exciting new Campaign Setting for 5e DND that includes 10 original player races, new monsters, magic items, and a compelling adventure for 1st to 5th level characters. ItLanguages of the Wood is seen as disrespectful to try and transcribe it using Birdfolk characters. over shared hardships.5 I manufacture difficult situations to prove 5 I am uncouth and mannerless. You can speak, read, and write Birdfolk.years. The night is mysterious, and conceals many unseendangers. In the lore, this can be expressed by saying that even a small The sex or gender of a character doesnt confer any special strig is solid and strong, where even a taller raptor is lightbonuses or penalties. Wed love to hear it! You may cast the charm person spell once per long rest. You may also apply this technique to any attack roll you make with advantage. Being small and Jerbeen.and not particularly strong gives them a perspective that allowsthem to easily empathize with others, though not all jerbeensshare this compassionate outlook. I am starting a new humblewood campaign and I want to know what you guys think of the subclasses. Itlife in Humblewood, and are spoken widely. Through careful planning and execution, their diversions can keep cart drivers You were once a member of the Bandit Coalition, occupied just long enough for the lifters to do their work, ormoving from place to place, ambushing and robbing passing create a seamless opening for an ambush.merchants. you land. Choose one of these subraces.Grove Cervan As a grove cervan, you are swift and agile, able to quicklymaneuver out of harms way. In addition to gaining +2 to their constitution, Cervans have the stellar "Surge of Vigor" ability. Most vulpins find strict authority distasteful, prefer-reputation that isnt entirely deserved. . Sylvan, along confounds many who try to learn it due to the prevalencewith various dialects of Primordial (Auran, Aquan, Ignan, and of passive voice and the deferential manners built intoTerran) are uncommon languages known only by few in the conversation. Printed August 2019. Black feathers on a corvum are knownas the Mark of Gesme and they are thought to impart some Lumas are inspired by doves and pigeons, but their sizeof Gesmes reckless curiosity. Jays, nutcrackers, and jackdaws well. You can use your action to curl up, exposingattackers to a wall of your toughened quills. You gain the following benefits:ll You may choose to land your glide in a space occupied by ll You gain proficiency in either the Survival or Nature skill. Speak With Bugs. Whilethey are quick and nimble, and possess an affable attitude, Speed. We can help people, we can be heroes, and we have magic. Scofflaws are a diverse bunchfeet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. Hit Point Press. There are two main subraces of corvum:increases by 2. dusk and kindled. Alignment. Enemies in the weapon, you may spend a bonus action to break it over yourdarkness are both blinded and frightened for as long as they opponent. Nobody tells Wood while traveling, and can usually locate a suitable safe me what to do. You gain the following benefits: out of combat. 3 I blindly trust in the power of my blessing.5 I seek out challenges to test myself. Alignment. In order for you to misdirect a creature in this way they must be able to see, hear, or otherwise be able to under- stand you. The gallus have an earfor the truth, and are often capable of rooting out liesand dishonesty.GALLUS TRAITS Ability Score Increase. Each oneCollege of the Road soon find that these graduates are full requires you to expend a use of your Bardic Inspiration, andof surprises. The stigma they piercing damage. Additionally, if you move at least 20 feet in a straight linetowards an opponent, you can spend a bonus action to chargethem, dealing an extra 1d6 points of piercing damage. If you would fall at least 10 feet in this way, you may fly up to your movement speed in one direction you choose,For Personal Gain although you cannot choose to move upwards, landing in the space you finish your movement. Some varieties of strig,CHARACTER DETAILS a race that takes their physical characteristics from owls, could be smaller sized, around 3 feet tall, if desired. Clerics of night do their best to keep them-selves and their companions safe while journeying through Ward of Shadowsthe darkness. Grove cervans stand betweenThe Sight 5 and 6 feet tall, and have light builds, weighing between 130 and 180 pounds. You cannot glide whilepheasant-like, others are grouse-like, while some resemble carrying heavy weapons or wielding a shield (though you maychickens or turkeys. Central meeting24 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodNatural Burrowers. (Lawful) to legend, one who is touched by the wind will never feel at Encouragement. The Deck of Many Presents Humblewood Campaign Setting. by the wind who are destined to soar over any and all obsta- cles. Raptors tend towards neutral alignments.Preferring the path of naturalists and hunters, raptors rarelysee value in order for the sake of order, and are often morepragmatic than idealistic. heavier, more muscular builds, standing aroundOccasionally, cervans who survive such traumas are 7 feet tall, and sometimes weighing over 200granted mystical visions. You gain the following benefits:ing benefits: ll Increase your Dexterity score by 1ll When you are asked to make a saving throw, you may ll Reduce the damage die for fall damage from a d6 to a d4. You serious? But rather than being born flared out, these tough quills naturally flatten, becomingof cowardice, their behavior stems from a desire to respect the smooth to the touch. Subrace. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. You can speak, read, and write Birdfolk. I remember thinking the Warlock was just flat out too strong. monster house 2 2022; wells fargo online mobile banking; nhra norwalk results 2022; palo verde ucla apartment; docket number search . I'm playing college of the road and it sucks as hell, having to waste inspiration die to use core abilities of the class. You may use this technique against any creature that hasnt yet taken a turn in combat, or who you have successfully misdirected this turn. Ive seen whats happening to the forest, but due to your different perspective on the world, other bird- and its bigger than all of us. Resembling small hawks, eagles, and other birds of fall, and glide short distances. Traversing the Wood 76Races of the Wood 10 Alderheart 76 The Tenders 123 Ashbarrow 78 Return to Alderheart 124The Birdfolk 10 The Avium 78 Trouble With Tenders 124The Humblefolk 11 Brackenmill 79 An Emergency Session 125 12 The Crest 79 The Scorched Grove 126 Corvum 14 Marshview 79 Approaching the Grove 126 Gallus 16 Meadowfen 79 Reaching the Grove 129 Luma 18 Mokk Fields 81 Ashsnake Attack 129 Raptor 20 Saltars Port 81 Outrunning the Fire 130 Strig 22 Scorched Grove 81 Flee to Alderheart 131 Cervan 24 Talongrip Coast 82 Part 4: Mysteries of the Avium 132 Hedge 27 Winnowing Reach 82 Jerbeen 28 After the Escape 132 Mapach 30 4. When in a forest, Strigs have advantage on stealth checks due to their natural camouflage, and also have advantage on climbing checks that allows Strigs to climb trees with ease. * You made a shady bargain with a haggard quality, you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration towarlock. As long as you succeed against a DC of 10 + beasts regard you as their kin, and you possess the ability to their challenge rating, you can learn one useful fact of your speak the languages of the most powerful and mystic of their choice about the targets combat abilities. 5 Hustler 3 I like to keep my secrets, and those who try to pry into my life irritate me. Using your feathered arms, you can slow yourminds. Pronghorns generallyvillages are run in accordance with the old cervan teachings, live longer than grove cervans, which is considered a sign ofensuring that work necessary for survival in the most remote Cairiths favor.villages is accomplished, so that all its inhabitants may be kepthealthy and happy. Forexample, a vial of acid might be easy to make if you happento be near a nest of acidic beetle larvae, or bark can be boundinto a makeshift flask, but it would be difficult to create apassable facsimile of silken robes from a pile of leaves. Even in these dark times, brave heroes can be found within the Wood. humblewood subclasses Your Constitution scoreand slow your descent. Ability Score Increase. Humblewood Review. This ward lasts for as long as you Evocation Lessons. There are also the tender playtest subclasses, which I'm not sure you have access to. Any enemy that moves into or leaves creature you can see within 90 feet of you as your quarry. just cant.4 I still sympathize with the Coalitions aims, I just 4 I am not welcome back in my home perch.

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