Computer Technologies Program, Owner Citation: Order of Abatement, 1/22/19 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 8/4/2022Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 2223014, Modified, 10/13/2022 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1920340, Dismissed, 10/1/2020, CALIFORNIA SUSHI ACADEMY Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021002, Closed, 8/12/2020, COMPLETE APPRAISAL SCHOOL Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1718014, Modified 7/6/18 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021250, Closed, 6/16/2021, DOABA TRUCKING SCHOOL Hongik is a life of health, happiness, and peace. The Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (Bureau) provides information regarding administrative disciplinary actions for immediate access and the convenience of interested parties. Robert Wilson, Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 8/6/19 Christine Khuu, Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 8/9/19 NON-PAYMENT/ NON-COMPLIANCE WITH CITATION, FOX MICROBLADING & PMU ACADEMY Excell College, Owner Modified Citation: Assessment of fine and Order of Abatement,12/9/16 Institution Code: 3014611 Accusation, 5/29/2020 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 2021208, Dismissed, 5/20/2021, CHRISTINE K. BEAUTY SCHOOL Notice of Withdrawal, 08/01/16, MILPITAS MASSAGE COLLEGE Jose S. Salas, Owner Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021008, Closed, 8/11/2020Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 2/10/2023, AVID CAREER COLLEGE Appeal of Citation: Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1819106, Modified 4/30/19 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 6/25/19 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 1/23/19 Statement of Issues, 03/16/15 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 6/18/2020 Institution Code: 64456124 Institution Code: Unapproved Evidence of Compliance and Fine paid: Citation 1819105, Closed 7/18/19, CONVERSE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES - SAN DIEGO Evidence of compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1718050, Closed 8/10/18 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 12/12/18 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021205, Closed, 5/28/2021, JENS STYLES & BEAUTY TRAINING CENTER Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 8/17/18 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021244, Closed, 9/30/2021, THE COACHES TRAINING INSTITUTE Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 5/18/15 Institution Code: 1939581 Citation: Order of Abatement, 8/26/19 Hestia Education Group, LLC., Owner Evidence of Compliance: Citation 2122135, Closed, 12/29/2022, BASIS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 2/25/2021 Citation and Order of Abatement, August 10, 2016 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 2/19/20 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 7/18/19 Richard Rossi, Owner Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1510696, Affirmed 10/11/2016 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 5/13/20 Institution Code: 73116819 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1920104, Closed, 10/30/19, ABERDEEN COLLEGE Emerald Healthcare Careers Institute, Inc., Owner Institution Code: 85171937 Institution Code: 84575384 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1920077, Modified, 11/5/19 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 2021086, Modified, 10/28/2020 Universal Technical Institute of California, Inc., Owner Institution Code No. Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1718047, Closed, 9/10/2018, PRO BARBER COLLEGE Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 6/01/15 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1920105, Modified, 1/28/20 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 5/18/15 JOANNE WINTERBERG, 50% Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 9/1/15 Accusation, 7/7/2022Stipulated Surrender and Order, 2/9/2023, SOUTH BAY MEDICAL CODING LEARNING CENTER Xanthi Gionis, Owner Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1718005, Closed 2/6/2018, Panamerican Learning Center Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 4/8/19 NON-PAYMENT/NON-COMPLIANCE WITH CITATION Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 7/22/2020 Citation: Assessment ofFineand Order ofAbatement, 10/1/2020 Jerroll Dolphin, Owner Second Amended Accusation, 11/6/18 Statement of Issues, 11/16/15 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1920068, Closed, 11/27/19 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 7/21/2022Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 2223005, Modified, 10/13/2022, LAS AMERICAS TRUCK DRIVING SCHOOL Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 11/14/18 Citation: Assessment of Order of Abatement, 2/21/20 John Kim, Owner School Code No. Accusation, 2/16/17 CASE DISPOSED WITH DISPOSITION OF JUDGMENT CONTESTED. Decision and order, 1/25/19 Institution Code: 3012821 Hector Hernandez, Owner Institution Code: 20708859 Khurram Nizami, Owner 1943241 18431265 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 2/10/2023, CALI COSMO DJH, INC. Bryant & Stratton College Inc., Dba Bryant Stratton College Online Education, Owner NON-PAYMENT/NON-COMPLIANCE WITH CITATION, PREFERRED COLLEGE OF NURSING Notice of Withdrawal, 4/27/2021, ANDREW UNIVERSITY Statement of Issues, 06/26/15 Institution Code: Unapproved Citation 1415106 Evidence of Compliance and Fine paid 10/14/15, PILOT TRUCKING SCHOOL Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021003, Closed, 7/23/2020 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 4/29/2020 Emergency Decision Modified and Affirmed, 2/4/20 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 6/12/14 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 8/30/19 Pathways College, LLC., Owner Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021087, Closed, 10/20/2020, AZTECA TRUCK TRAINING Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 1/24/19 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1920040, Modified, 11/22/19 Institution Code: 3014371 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 5/23/19 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 3/21/19 Evidence of Fine Paid: Citation 1920086, Closed, 7/20/2021, PHIBROWS TRAINING BY FELY EGUIA Institution Code: 1930971 NON-COMPLIANCE WITH CITATION, JD ACADEMY OF SALON AND SPA Institution Code: 98908194 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 2122107, Modified, 3/16/2022Evidence of Compliance: Citation 2122107, Closed, 3/16/2022, LANGUAGE STUDIES INTERNATIONAL And the best part of all, documents in their CrowdSourced Library are FREE! Institution Code: 28735176 Learn Academy, LLC, Owner Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2122041, Closed, 12/22/2021, INSTITUTE OF HEALTHCARE, INC. Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021267, Closed, 8/8/2022, AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 3/16/2020 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 1/17/19 Institution Code: Unapproved Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 5/17/18, LA UNIVERSITY, INC. Institution Code: 76587321 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 4/22/2021 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 2021060, Modified, 12/15/2020 Citation: Order of Abatement, 8/10/2021 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 7/16/2020 Phillip North, Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 01/26/15 Institution Code No. Institution Code: 0105781 Modified Citation: Assessment of Fine, 12/30/2021, Citation 2021035 Arash Abbassi, Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 4/19/16 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 7/15/16 Statement of Issues, 12/19/16 Alexander Cusianovic, Owner Emergency Decision, 07/18/18 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 5/11/2022 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 4/8/2020, CAPSTONE PACIFIC COLLEGE NON-PAYMENT/ NON-COMPLIANCE WITH CITATION, INLAND VALLEY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF LAW Institution Code: 3806471 Institution Code: 1926311 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 12/17/19 Sterling Schools, L.L.C., Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 3/6/2020 Institution Code: 66733992 Graduates Do Success, Inc., Oyeshola Eletu, Owner Institution Code: 3604411 Institution Code: 11224053 Institution Code: 1937371 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 5/4/15 Institution Code: 25861237 2101521 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021142, Closed, 5/11/2021 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1819186, Affirmed 6/17/19 The Vollmer Institute, LLC., Owner Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1920288, Closed, 7/8/2020, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SCIENCES TRAINING INSTITUTE Summit College, Inc., Owner Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1516022, Modified 10/7/15 Citation 1415044 Evidence of Compliance and Fine paid 9/14/15, CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE CENTER Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021099, Closed, 3/17/2021, ADVANCE ENGLISH ACADEMY Statement of Issues, 02/24/15 Statement of Issues, 3/15/19 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1819238, Closed, 10/24/19 Institution Code: 43106009 Institution Code: Unapproved Evidence of Compliance and Fine paid 10/17/16, CALIFORNIA CAREER SCHOOL Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 6/25/2020 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1920228, Closed, 3/25/2020, APP ACADEMY Order Suspending Degree Granting Programs, 4/12/19 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 8/14/18 South Baylo University is a small education organization based in Anaheim, CA with only 100 employees and an annual revenue of $10.0M. Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 5/20/2021 Institution Code: 1938491 Withdrawn, 08/20/12, PRESIDIO GRADUATE SCHOOL Institution Code: 81104893 Citation 1415042 Withdrawn 8/21/15 School Surrendered Approval, CALIFORNIA DENTAL CERTIFICATIONS, LLC Institution Code: 3700721 William Kraus, Owner Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 2021275, Modified, 9/1/2021 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 9/20/2021 Conrado Banaga, Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 12/2/2021Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2122097, Closed, 12/9/2021, A.T. Institution Code: 1924791 Institution Code: Unapproved GetCutz LLC dba Kaws Barber and Beauty College, Owner Fernando Sanchez, Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 7/18/19 Evidence of Compliance: Citation 1920126, Closed, 1/15/20, AMERICAN CAREER TRAINING, LLC Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 2/27/19 Citation 1516023 Withdrawn 9/15/15, INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PERMANENT COSMETICS Trang Le, 100% Owner Institution Code: 64494389 Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1920314, Closed, 7/24/2020Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 12/15/2021Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 11/3/2022, SABIO ENTERPRISES INC. Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 1920211, Closed, 5/18/2020, ALEXANDER TRAINING INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Statement of Issues, 6/8/2021 Designs School of Cosmetology, Inc., Owner Larisa Crookston, Owner NON-PAYMENT/NON-COMPLIANCE WITH CITATION, OCEAN COLLEGE Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 3/21/19 Institution Code: 44298588 Institution Code: 90323820 Statement of Issues, 05/1/15 Institution Code: 25861127 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1920263, Modified, 7/2/2020 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation Modified, 10/3/14 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 2021228, Affirmed, 10/25/2021 Institution Code: 3801071 NON-PAYMENT/NON-COMPLIANCE WIHT CITATION, Arena Education Suspension Lifted Institution currently in Accreditation Candidacy Status, 3/7/18 Institution Code: Unapproved Institution Code No. Notice of Withdrawal, 7/19/2021, WINDSOR SCHOOL OF NURSING ASSISTANTS Notice of Withdrawal, 10/11/18 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 06/05/15 Appeal of Citation: Informal Conference Decision: Citation 2021268, Affirmed, 9/7/2021 University of San Jose, Owner Institution Code: 75356521 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 6/25/19 Case DetailsPartiesDocumentsDockets Case Details Case Number: **********************-CJC Madhu Bansal, Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 12/30/15 Institution Code: 1918921 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 2122009, Affirmed, 10/21/2021 Institution Code: Unapproved First Amended Statement of Issues, 10/2/17 Ari Olgun, Owner Frank Toshi Sugiura, Owner Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 2/4/20 8.9 miles away from South Baylo University. Institution Code: Unapproved Institution Code: 18431276 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 5/6/15 Institution Code: 3401031 Dream Center Education Holdings, LLC, Owner Stipulated Surrender and Order, 6/17/14 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1617032, Dismissed 06/28/17, ALLIED PROFESSIONAL INSTITUTE Institution Code: 41462639 Stipulated Surrender and Order, 2/24/19, JOHN WESLEY INTERNATIONAL BARBER AND BEAUTY COLLEGE Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 8/19/2020 Institution Code: 58707895 Evidence of Compliance: Citation 2021040, Closed, 12/16/2020, JULIE'S MASSAGE THERAPY AND SCHOOL Notice of Withdrawal, 09/20/15, BAY COLLEGE OF CALIFORNIA Suspension Lifted Extension Granted, 5/20/19 Evidence of Compliance: Citation 2122092, Closed, 2/4/2022, SLIDERULE LABS, INC., DBA SPRINGBOARD Institution Code: 1937261 Accusation, 5/24/2022, DREXEL UNIVERSITY Institution Code: 66695793 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 6/25/2020 Statement of Issues, 8/22/17 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 7/25/16 Appeal of Citation Informal Conference Decision: Citation 1819129, Withdrawn 7/5/19, BUSINESS AND INSURANCE SCHOOL Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 10/2/19 Citation: Assessment of Fine and Order of Abatement, 1/14/2021 "Stayed" means the revocation is postponed, put off. Evidence of Compliance and Fine Paid: Citation 2021158, Closed, 2/5/2021, CASTELL DENTAL ASSISTING SCHOOL

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