And you examine mine etc. And many other conjunction with outer planets My word, clearly not. This aspect is better when the woman is the Moon person, and the man is the Mars person. Thanks for your help. I have this aspect in 0 with a man that I was (with comings and goings) always in love with. For example, we have composite moon (tropical) and composite mars (draco) at 26 Aquarius and composite mars (tropical) and composite sun (draco) at 17 Pisces. Moon-Pluto synastry's manifestations very often depend on other synastric aspects with those planets. Venus is sociable, and a smile is just a smile. His Mars trine my Jup in Can. They have the upper hand. my houses are hit all over- It's different from Neptune's illusion/delusion, which is about wanting to merge (even with a mirage)it's about emotional power. And Ascendant conjunct Moon karma conjuct all above November 9, 2012 astrologyanonymous27. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. TELEPHUS conj SUN 0. One is Mars conjunct Pluto and the other Mars trine Pluto at tight angles. 1. Here are some hot synastry aspects to look out for! Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 My birthday is 9/18/85 6:50am eastern time. Hi, Sascha :) I am reposting from LL: "I would look for the answer to this in her natal chart, and of course, to the way he is triggering security vs insecurity in her, which can mean many things. All points on the list are present in long-term quality romantic/marital - type relationships, in various degrees for each point, and having all of them prominent in synastry/composite actually qualifies for an astrological theoretical model of romantic relationships. Double whammy's are promising when harmonious. His Sun Ven Moon very close to my Asc 10Aqu. The opposition and square aspects can lead to conflict and ego clashes, but the attraction is still indicated. I have this with a girl I am crushing on HARD, and it is a double whammy. just to mention a few We have more beautiful aspect in between. IC is inherently defensive, and resistant to probing. Oppositions can be like wine, they get better with time. Read this: Plutonian relationships in astrology. The Venus and Mars story has been throughout history. It is associated with birth, death, and a thorough transformation to change lives for good. Chiron square Uranus This depends on each persons individual chart. Venus square Pluto Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. And all that is just the beginning of the synastry! What about the Venus sextile sun? What do these 2 planets coming together signify? So in our composite we have IC conjunct north node again (wth 12 minute orb) with composite mercury sitting at 20 aries. How about conjunctions between the same asteroid? I want to say Im not manipulative but I know if I said that it would be a complete lie. The connection quickly broke down, however, and Katie surprised Tom with a sudden divorce. Both of them wants to get to know each other to the core. You deserve to be truly loved. While I may be unaffected by this new PLUTO (which has moved out of range), if the other person has their MOON conjunct mine in synastry, they will get the jab from my PLUTO. Neptune square Moon If there is a wide enough gap in age, then PLUTO will have moved enough to exert a new and different orb of influence. Can I ask what are the criteria that make up a valid double whammy? your Saturn aspecting the other person's moon and the other person's Saturn also aspecting your moon. When your Moon is conjunct, square, or opposes your partner's Pluto, you feel a magnetic sexual and emotional . I know that among family members, PLUTO-IC conjunction can be an indicator of rebellious power play between parent and child. Loosing the other person triggers intense fear and emotions. But not here. Pluto represents sex, obsession, and intimacy, while Venus represents love, beauty, and affection. But your comment suggests that it might not be just one-sided. House 1 The power of it is overwhelming. Have you come across such experience? Hi, Jamie :) All aspects between Sun Moon Venus and Mars in all combinations are extremely significant in synastry, and generally all aspects between the personal planets, Mercury and love planets included. With Moon being my chart ruler, it probably hit me extra hard. How do you think Pluto feels about the IC in that situation. Pluto Pluto energy allows Venus to know her primal, sexual feelings. 3. The problem here is an additional, unhealthy desire to control one another through jealousy manipulation and possessiveness. But he doesnt want a relationship and I do. Resistance is futile for me when I experience the double whammy. Not sure whether you or him. NN trine sun; sq sat/plu We both have MOON conjunct JUPITER by sign. This made me even more in love with him. DO NOT RECOMMEND TO COMPARE A PLUTO AND MOON RELATIONSHIP TO REAL LOVE IS MORE OF AN ILLUSION. Moon-Pluto Aspects in Synastry If you have a Moon-Pluto aspect in synastry, you are in a Plutonian relationship. Physical intimacy is especially important with this inter aspect; There is a strong desire to be physically close to each other. People are mostly interested into getting a synastry report about their (potential) relationship. When a couples Mars planets are in harmonious aspects to each other, your sexual energies and drives will match well. Can you give me an insight into our synastry? The effect is softer in synastry. Moon Conjunct AS We have lot of harmony together and there are an intense attraction. You might subconsciously be forcing your ideals on others. The Moon person is extremely attracted to the Pluto person. It's just an incredible force to be reckoned with. What are the sexual aspects? I have a lot of the similarities with a guy and I feel so illogically and intensely connected to him even though I repressed my feeling previously. Nor are we talking about the physical act of sex. Squares act like a strongarm, but you can't really begrudge JUPITER for it since you know there's no malice intended. You are using an out of date browser. Hahahahaha. I'd like to know how my IC will make his Pluto feel. In the conjunction, the planets are next to each other( or on top of each other in . This brings imbalance into the relationship, because in an ideal one, you are equal partners. My relationship is the same way we try our hardest to be honest with each other. Pluto is the dwarf planet in astrology. :o ^.^, What u think about Yods? Like literally every aspect of our charts, it's insane. Uranus square ascendant The 18-month one had his Moon exactly conjunct my Sun and his Mars trine my Venus. Pluto has a reputation of ruthlessness and intensity, but Pluto here also has the power to transform. Love & peace & blessings to all who read this. It is indeed a double whammy. This will be electric if the aspect is conjunction. My Venus falls over into H3--so maybe it does not since the rest are in H2. I would also like to know that does anyone know if a close conjunction, but not considered conjunction also had the same effect? If one cant double his words with facts what are his words good for. One of you might be more physically demanding of the other. Pluto-Moon Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square) Both the Moon and Pluto represent shadows and depths of a personality. But I fear I may never know. They sometimes feel stifled in the relationship, and want the Moon person to give them more space. It feels like the Pluto person knows how to push the buttons. And this in Monkey language is bonding or affection. Or is he a romantic interest? The good thing is that since you both have a Moon-Pluto aspect in your natals, you both probably like and want that emotional depth in your relationship that only Pluto can bring. And we have a double whammy (we have this Moon Uranus square aspect and also an opposition between the planets.) From beginners through to advanced students of Astrology. I am searching for twin flame signs however I get too insecure down the road and ask for insight In a relationship where Pluto is in aspect with a personal planet, power struggles are inevitable. Oppositions are emblematic for romantic relationships, since one important part of a good romantic connection comes from Yin/Yang polarities. If one person does not find the other attractive. One astrologer said that it is a more "provocative" connection in Synastry than the Venus/Mars conjunction. NN/dsc cnj ve/ma Someone who does not already have a natal MOON-PLUTO contact will be surprised, overrun, and probably terrified of PLUTO's influence, since they've never had to deal with it before. It fuses emotionalism and feelings into sex, which is incredibly highly satisfying for both people. l also read you can have what someone described as a "double whammy" when the connection is reciprocated and the feelings are the same for both. The Pluto person can see who the Moon person really is, and they are aware of the Moon persons subconscious needs and motivations. MOON-MOON aspects are more important in this situation. The true mission of Pluto is healing. Secrets from a Stargazer's Notebook, Debbi Kempton Smith: I'm going to do some more digging and will return.. thank you again so much!!! Related:Venus-Pluto Aspects In The Natal Chart. And many sextiles and trines between moons, Venus, mars, Sun. Isnt this the behavior of someone who loves. Mine happens to be in 8H, along with a couple other planets, which amplifies the general Plutonian influence. Neptune Moon aspects in synastry creates a strongly psychic, intuitive and even mystical bond. You basically lost life. Thank you for sharing your experience! This aspect suggests a deep, transformative connection. I've had a double whammy of Moon trine Pluto in synastry and it was . This planet often feels overwhelming to anyone, especially to this emotional and gentle planet. I want nothing but the best for them and they so far for me. Quite important in a relationship, right? This Pluto conjunct Moon synastry relationship can feel fated or meant to be. Yes, i say that it leads nowhere positively because this man, no matter his feelings, does not respect you enough to give you the truth. We're so yin yang its wild. This combination stimulates each others desire to experience the depths of sexual intimacy. JavaScript is disabled. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 The angles are just so much more sensitive to conjunctions. Hello, Powered by Infopop 2000 My love and I have many opposites. I have this with someone Ive been on three dates with. Astrology 42 is full of free articles, evergreen content, features, interpretations, recommendations and tools for anyone interested in learning Astrology online. It's extremely hard because you feel this magnetic pull to them, but it if Moon and Pluto make a detrimental aspect it will be hell. Moon square Moon I may think that our Moon oppose Venus mars square moon Please have hope and self respect. additional info- (Even for progressed composite) eros conjunct sun mercury and neptune Pls help me! Moon-Pluto trine or sextile in a synastry chart suggests a passionate relationship, where intimacy helps you deepen the relationship and make the bond between you even stronger. I have been examining charts since the late 1960's. They are not for the faint-hearted! venus conjunct ceres karma and psych, thats my venus and her astroids A Moon-Pluto aspects in synastry is never a piece of cake. I've looked at books for examples of synastry charting, and see few double whammys. He needs to man upor be transformed out of your system, Pluto-style. For entertainment purposes only For example - I have a natal MOON conj PLUTO 6 (aspecting). we have- Every house planet sign astroid is either a yin yang or DW. ..? MOON and PLUTO are fairly amiable to each other, if a bit tight-lipped about it. What is sexual astrology? As for the intensity, it's great in small doses but too much can be suffercating and overwhelming thus why I wanted to stay away from him but I don't see myself ever being fully away from him but were ok apart and we respect eachother's space. This guy youre interested in is not respecting his marriage OR your connection. With the couple's deep attraction and emotional bond, it is possible to overcome these unfortunate events without the threat of separating together. Be the light i need pls lol, Just to name a few synastry Hi Dani :) The Moon person is aware of this (at least subconsciously). Cycles of death and rebirth happen on a psychological level all the time. These astrological aspects do not by any means tell us whether the relationship is happy or healthy. i'm wondering what you think about this. It makes him seem extremely nurturing. We both have Mars/Venus Conjunctions and our Mars and Venus aspected the other - I have Mars and Venus in Aries, and this person has Mars and Venus in Libra. Colors Your email address will not be published. So it seems extremely important that your venus sign and mars sign be more critical when examining the sexual astrology of any successful relationship. As the article states, the concept of TF/soulmate as I see it, pertains to a great, tangible, successful love and those markers are found in such relationships. Hi Virgo :) I recommend this report: You stimulate each other's desire to experience the depths of sexual intimacy. or that she'll end up with someone else she might get a divorce from later on? moon sq ve/ma As you can see, the soft Moon and mysterious Pluto have to make a lot of effort to make the relationship work out. My sister has her PLUTO conj my dad's IC 0. This is not to say that the Pluto person doesnt love the Moon person (or at least that they are not attracted to them). He is the moon, and in the text above they say that who feels the most is the moon. When we see eachother, we just pick off where we left but in the beginning it was tiresom and frustrating because I didn't understand what was happening but now that I'm starting to understand Astrology everything is sorta mutual between us like peanutbutter and jelly. JUPITER square your MOON-PLUTO can bring out the less pleasant aspects of a MOON-PLUTO conjunction, such as obsession or overbearingness. PLUTO wants to needle its way in, stake claim on that private space, and fill in all the little cracks. The same is true not just for Moon conjunct Pluto, but all Moon-Pluto aspects in synastry. I am the pluto, he is the moon. We met over the internet in 2006, later we met in my country in 2007, we were together for 3 weeks, and since then we have always been in contact. The ex and him has a Moon conjunct Venus With a Moon conjunct Pluto synastry aspect, its time to let go. Macie, you're correct, I missed that one. I've never been interested in a guy like Im interested in my Cap friend but at the same time Im deathly afraid of him because that means all of me will be "exsposed" to him making me vulnerable which is something Im not use to but I think Im suppose to learn something from him due to all the Saturn too. In #1, you mentioned the Lights and Venus/Mars. In a Moon conjunct Pluto synastry aspect, it feels like the Pluto person knows everything about the Moon person: there are no secrets, you cannot lie.

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