First Sergeant of the Year. Thanks! - Fair/firm 1Sgt; advised CC on 13 admin actions/1 CM/2 art 15/provid'd spt to mbrs--bedrock of good order/discipline Attends staff meetings. AFSC 8F000 First Sergeant EPR Bullets JOB DESCRIPTION Provides the commander a mission-ready enlisted force to execute the unit mission. - Mentored JROTC Drill tm; trained 25 cadets/3 weeks--captured overall Gold score; key'd Gp's 4th straight AFOUA, - Meshed initiatives for CAF funding; 2.5K awarded for sq improvement--100 Amn afforded historic PME WWII tour - Acting MDG 1st Shirt/3 wks; advised 5 sq CCs/340 medics--assisted admin of 2 UIF/Ctrl Roster, 1 Article 15 JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas -- Senior master sergeant enlisted performance reports, which close out July 31, will be accomplished on the newly published Air Force Form 911, Enlisted Evaluation Report (MSgt Thru SMSgt), available July 31 on the ePublishing website. The problem is how to make those bullet statements sound good! What Is An On Call Banquet Server, - Assisted NCO/family of 4 through identifying substance dependency; mbr successfully completed rehab prgm Taught FTAC/NCOPE/Flt cmdr crse/16 panels/E-1 thru O5--1SG insight to 362 jt prsnl across 3 bases Back to EPR Bullets. - Org'd 43 AG promotion ceremony; mng'd 4 vol/penned script/administered SNCO charge--celebrated 17 promotees, - Outstanding facilitator--coordinated student appointments with base agencies--reduced "no shows" by 35% - Revived sq Key Spouse prgm; forged gp spouses' initiative/recruited 7 spouses/coor'd 5 events--fortified spt system - Developed formal "in-person" BTZ review; sharpened Amn skills & led NCO board--propelled 6 Amn to BTZ stripes First Sergeant EPR Bullets. - Add'l Duty 1st Sgt x43 days; resolved 7 MH issues/23 disciplinary actions/counseled 6 jr enl; upheld large 623 mbr sq Generally, as ratees, our main responsibility in completing the EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets. - Principle advisor to CC for 154 AD members & 4 civilians; relays critical insight on morale, welfare & msn readiness o entered board scores for 144 SM and updated over 175 NGB 4100 SMs; facilitated the promotion of 20 SMs and over 30 SMs being selected for the next grade. Provided tools to Amn having difficulty with PT; monitored progress--decreased fitness failures, - Provides the Commander a motivated & ready enlisted force to execute the mission in a professional timely manner - Maintains the highest level of integrity providing one on one counseling, leadership and guidance to all Airmen - Overhauled unit out-processing; linked MPS/est'd electronic docs tracker--elim d DEROS exp/100% timely departure, - Partnered w/Campbell University to host 2 college crses on flightline; 32 attended/6 sem hrs--7 CCAF degrees awd'd - Selected interim 1st Sgt 21 days/64 mbrs; counseled six Amn/resolved four prsnl actions--enforced unit discipline - Active in Schriever/Buckley/Peterson/Holloman CCF councils; 450K sq mi AOR--service before self example - Sourced free conveyance from regional transit auth; procured safe metro trans for mil deps--saved fams $660K yearly shared org benefits & recruited 6 new NCO's--voted Chapter 1665 Treasurer 2020 council. Deployed - Led C2 f/AFRICOM's 1st Gp CP; tracked 15K vehicles & 37.2K pax--supported DoD's #1 SIGINT sys f/3 COCOMs - Updated 52 chklsts w/contacts for Gp/Wg; reduced cmdrs notification time--awarded deployed Gp team of the month - Boosted trng prgm; generated trng/continuity for replacements--reduced trng time to spt 3K flts ISO combat First Sergeant NCOER Bullets. Most of the time, we don't need help identifying our accomplishments. The intent of the award is to recognize individuals that demonstrate outstanding performance and professionalism on a daily basis. - Secured 246 tix/8 major sports evts--orch'd LA Dodgers Hero/Game honoree--demo'd selfless devotion to unit morale - Drove DOD/DHS security rqmt; led 35-person tm/authored PLANORD/taskedops unit--resolved 98 vuls/44 locations - Rectified tank storage oversight; impl'd MSEP insp/eval--facilitated dual Sq MOA/custody xfer of $2M SPRAM acct - Inspired excellence; dvlp'd 24 awd wins/gp/wg/jt base/MAJCOM equivalent/2 BTZ/4 PME--sq took '19 Verne Orr Awd - CC's liaison f/ all JB spt agencies; governs CC pgms/family care plans/BTZ/promotions/dorm inspections/awds & PT --instilled pos image to 70 airmen, - Led/trained 12 rookie shirts in 3 PAFB dorm sweeps; 2 findings/4 expulsions--ensured safety for 500 residents, - Negotiated discounts for unit mbrs w/local YMCA; saved >80% on costs--sq achieved 51% excellent scores. This website is dedicated to completing that portion of the AF Form 910 that gives people the most trouble: the Performance Assessment blocks. - Responded immediately to domestic incident; member received crucial emergency help - Airman back to 100% duty - Acting 1st Sgt Council Pres; advised 1st & 492d SOW CCCs--led 46 1st Sgts/3 wgs/mentored 8.2K Air Commandos epr bullet examples for afsc 3s2x1, education and training., During the Additional Duty First Sergeant Seminar last week, noncommissioned officers and senior NCOs learned the role of a first sergeant is to serve as both a leader to enlisted Airmen and an advisor to his unit's commander. Advises the commander on a wide range of topics including the health, esprit de corps, discipline, mentoring, well being, career progression, professional development, and recognition of all assigned enlisted members. - Family Care Program maintained 100% accuracy; ensured Airmen provided current & required information per AFI - Ferried CC through Art 15 process; 1 admin separation, sensitive civ complaint--maintained balanced justice Must remain vigilant for, and move to resolve, issues that, left unchecked, would adversely impact the readiness of enlisted members. - Consulted on 1K prsnl actions; provided ldrshp/aided 85% msn rdy force--key to clinica disaster tm hurricane dplymnt During this period, Sergeant LeMay's outstanding leadership and expertise were vital to leading 900 joint engineers in sustaining 3,700 facilities at the Air Force's largest airfield resulting in the completion of 210 projects valued at more than 200 million dollars. - Selected 1st Sgt f/63 days; guid'd 3 NJP/2 domestic violence/1 UIF--pivotal to good order/discipline & UCMJ system - First Sergeant Council member; served as Treasurer - provided leadership and support to peers, truly outstanding - CC's focal pnt; mentored 613 psnl/16 AFSCs/15 work centers--allowed sustainment of 1K+ facs/$3.4B infrastructure Furthermore, as a critical mentor to installation military personnel and families, he was selected to guide and advise over 450 Airmen at 13 Wing panels and 70 new commanders at the Headquarters Pacific Command's Commanders' Course. He reduced our supply account by $200,000 by correcting erroneous records. Nominees must have served in the position of First Sergeant and held the SDI 8F000 for at least 6-months during the award period. Trained senior and mid-level supervisors on policies, conduct and standards. The first sergeant serves as a key advisor to the commander on matters relating to health, morale, welfare, safety, legal, personnel, administrative issues and a variety of other items that affect the unit. - Provided world-wide Ex supt; organized 6 vols/chaplain/mental health spt team--provided 1.6k meals/boosted morale, - Qualified Additional Duty First Sergeant; trusted with admin oversight for 60 enlisted in MSS and AEW Staff - Voluntarily attended Additional Duty 1st Sgt Trainer course, developing the enlisted force building a better Air Force - Provided Commander a motivated & ready enlisted force; executed mission in a professional manner - > readiness - Restructured Key Spouse prgm; created 3 AORs for major metropolis coverage--produced instant supt for 1.1K fams - Coordinate/execute building 613 upgrades/repairs--provided additional storage/training area--increasing throughput - Piloted VCSAF & COMACC visits; highlighted CC's pri's/AF ldrshp assimilated to 432 Wg msn--coined by 5x sr ldrs The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. - Cultivated stellar CC/1st Sgt relationship; obliterated AF 90% metric w/ outstanding100% attorney consult rate, - Cut discharges 79%/NJP actions 32% in 6 mos; processed 21 NJPs,32 UIFs,2 demotes--refocused Amn on stnds/msn, - Deftly intervened in 4 domestic incidents; expedited protective orders/mbrs counseling--ensured 6 dependents' safety - Rvw'd 200 evals/decs; enforced stds/equity across Gp/ed'd 15 SNCO's on writing skills--bolstered quality force mgmt, - Sage advisor; guided sq cc thru Art 15/2 dom violence cases/2 UIFs/cntrl roster actions--upheld discipline/standards Sep 23, 2021 Staff Sgt. - Handled 11 Red Cross notifications; coord'd e-leave w/base orgs/secur'd RAP f/grieving amn--mbrs en route < 24 hrs - Guid'd unit thru spouse drug OD/death; cntrl'd rumors/coord'd remains dispo/dependent adoption--sped healing f/mbr/sq, - Hand-picked as alt 1st Sgt; monitored health/welfare for 146 mbr sq f/6 days--relayed essential pandemic info to sq CC - 492 SOW CCC's go-to 1st Sgt! We need more examples. - Instructed FTAC/SNCO/NCO PES crs; provided SEL vision/mentorship/28 Amn--armed students w/career dev tools - Advises CC and staff on personnel issues, translates, enforces AF policies, and ensures continuity of unit operations, - Led 311 amidst 3 mo E-8/SEL absence; drove enl/ofcr ldrshp & accountability--cultivated 10 gp/6 wg/4 HHQ awards - Led/trained 12 rookie shirts in 3 PAFB dorm sweeps; 2 findings/4 expulsions--ensured safety for 500 residents First Sergeant EPR Bullets See also: First Sergeant Awards Duty Description - Advises MDG, Med Ops & Dental Sq CCs w/mil/prsnl issues impacting 524 mbrs; facilitates $18M in hlth care svcs - CC's focal point f/discipline/mentoring/recognition f/234 enl/135 ofcrs/155 civs in 66 AFSCs; manages EPME pgms - Impacts base-wide! - Scheduled training course dates for workcenter members--maximized use of available slots, increased capabilities. - Revived key spouse program, forged spouses initiative/recruited 11 spouses/coord'd 2 events--improved readiness - Top-notch instructor--conducted 1,070 hrs of instruction--graduated 76 students with an overall GPA of 82%. - Served as deployment First Sergeantsecured lodging/transportation for 41 mbrssharpened ldrshp attributes, - Served Xx days as Add'l Duty 1st Sgt; advised CC on legal, medical, family issues--upheld AF stds, mbrs' well-being - Piloted drug use CC investigation; interviewed 14 prsnl/30 hrs--reinforced Sq discipline/reset org climate for 89 mbrs Look for or to identify content added in the last 30 days. - Assists the Commander in preparation/execution of ancillary training, resident SME on all military training programs - Qualified Assistant 1st Sgt; provided coverage/advisory counsel to CC--ensured high moral/health for HQ personnel Filled 1st Sgt void; spt'd 3 UIF's/Art 15 admin/med emer--instilled discipline/welfare 248 mem unit, - Active & visible mentor; mbr of 18 ldrshp panels--CC course/FTAC/NCO PES/SNCO PES/ALSinspired 661 prsnl, - Mentored mbr w/relationship issues; coor'd resources f/relocation--alleviat'd stress f/1st time parent w/fam separation. - Initiated Diamond Sharp Award in the Operations Group, recognizing and highlighting our sharpest Airmen quarterly - Filled Sq 1st Sergeant post; responded to drug/addiction, coord'd medical treatment--ensured mbrs well being - Fair/firm 1Sgt; advised CC on 13 admin actions/1 CM/2 art 15/provid'd spt to mbrs--bedrock of good order/discipline - Led 5 member tm; dir'd 61 DV visits/20 ceremonies/6 events--showcased msn capes/cmbt ops f/AF premier RPA wg AF Chief of Staff Reading List: Recommended Reading: Site information. - Resolved 18 fam incidents/11 in-patient rehab; guided mbrs on domestic recovery/TBI--enabled msn ready engineers, - Revamped FCP x2 Sqs; impv'd process f/261 mbrs/digitized 29 recs/fixed 13 errors--100% execution/AFI compliant - Mentored FTAC, ALS, & NCOPE panels; discussed pitfalls & career progression--educated and influenced 80 Amn Sometimes it takes a certain amount of motivation to get Airmen to change their behavior. - Continued professional investment; completed Security Manager training--qual'd to fill critical void w/in unit SERGEANT FIRST CLASS xxxx HAS DISTINGUISHED HERSELF BY DEMONSTRATING CLEARLY THAT SHE IS A PROFESSIONAL SOLDIER, DEDICATED TO EXCELLENCE IN HER FIELD OF EXPERTISE. Led 700 studs thru 9K flt hrs/13.5K sim hrs--fuel'd 13 ops units, AFSOC/CCC coined, - 1st Sgt tm lead; guided Wg hlth/welfare dorm insp; rectified 6 safety hazards/3 sub-std units--fortified QoL f/336 prsnl 136 promotions/3 ALS DGs/9 MXG team/2 ACC awds/4 AF-Lvl/17 grad/12 under grad degrees - Sq interim 1st Sgt; liaised w/McChord AFB ldrship--coord'd medication delivery to detained Amn/life svg act, - Squadron PTL--revamped sections outdated fitness program--ensured all 34 instructors are "Fit to Fight" - Engaged w/CPTS & DFAS; highlighted oversights/issues w/13 Amn's pay--ensured $26K in lost pay returned to mbrs, - Led sq thru active shooter incident; ID'd spt agency comm shortfalls/liaised w/base ldrs f/fix--drove spt f/66.3K jt prsnl. The U.S. Air and Space Force Key Spouse Program (KSP) is an official Unit Family Readiness Program designed to enhance readiness and establish a sense of community. Once in a while, even after being asked several times, an Airman will not provide any inputs at all. - 1st Sgt f/2 sq CCs/coached 16 SNCOs/62 FGOs; mng'd 4 NJPs/adverse actions/4 UIFs--rehab'd 7 Amn/saved careers - Coordinated trng for 21st Space Wg 1st Sgts/CCs; educated on incarceration procedures--12 mbrs enlightened - Platinum First Sergeant! - PME champion! - Led Wg Qtr awds pgm; revised outdated script/boosted attendance--showcased 65 Amn/18 civs/SAFB Top Performers, - Led Wg's Dorm Recognition pgm; motivated 361 residents/enhanced qtrs/morale--8 Amn praised/coined by AMW/CC - Personifies diligence, consistency, loyalty, and professionalism, earning the respect of his peers and supervisors alike an example to Amn having PT difficulty; modeled fitness by running marathon, attempted 100-mile run, - Enforced standards; transported inmate to CONUS, exercised maturity/judgment; AF judicial system enforced, - Motivated! - Wg/CC entrusted advisor--teams w/ 7 Gp/35 Sq cmdrs 25 First Sgts on HR incidents, complaints, and issues The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR.
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