I suppose I could just move down to lever in the plane and move spoiler arm to the armed position and then they would work. Although i did program them in the Bravo setup, they do not appear in P3D, and do not work. The rocker switches appear to be the type that is always on or always off. Same behavior/bug here. Is it possible to put inanother possibility for activating and using thrust reversers on the CRJ? For the lights, you need to install the AFC_BRIDGE (free from honeycomb website). When you're in idle, flick the 2 small switches on the axis, this will set reverse thrust. I should have specifies that I am having a lot more issues with the CRJ. but is only a signal polarity inversion needed with some devices. Taxes and shipping calculated at checkout, t: Price Do NOT use THROTTLE 1 AXIS (0 TO100%) and Wow, not exactly plug and play for P3D and the PMDG 737 nor is there nearly as much setup help online as there is for MSFS but after much time I made good progress, downloading an NGXu profile from Aerosoft got me moving in the right direction. Which is the best choice? Does the spoiler axis work for the speed brakes? IMPORTANT : Make sure the Reverser Axis is set as on the picture. Autopilot and spoilers for instance are currently not interfaced. Both the Braco throttle levers, and the ones in the CRJ cockpit have such a position, it would be nice if pulling the physical levers down past idle would cause the corresponding thing for the CRJ levers. Please login to display this image. STEP 8: Founder of AVSIM Online. By I spent hours getting mine configured. Jwatts - The spoilers work manually, cannot find the correct thing in the options/controls to arm them to deploy at touchdown. This has the effect of disabling any additional addons (like the RealSimGear add-on) that have already been installed. Mine dont. With the Bravo Throttle, the reversers need to be triggered by inputs. I read on their forums that the plane uses L:Vars that are not natively supported by MSFS and the honeycomb directly. I was going to by Honeycomb Alphy, but like my Virpil VFX grip so much decided to forgo spending the money. Unbind any that you find for the Bravo for buttons and switches and set those in the Honeycomb configurator. Personally I have never gotten the desire to build a full cockpit switches and all at home when you have a beautiful 3d cockpit right in front of you quite easy to interact with if using trackir. When you make a modification in the Configurator, ensure that, 1 - you click the Apply Changes button (should be improved in the next version), 2 - you reactivate the profile in the Configurator (Activate profile on save should take care of that). At least in MSFS, I believe it would be better to have momentary . Youd think they would have full functionality. Not sure if its a bug. Once I had the light go on I got on a roll. Former USAF meteorologist & ground weather school instructor. 4. Copyright Aerosoft 2022 Thanks Frank. Product Features: 6 Commercial Levers with flaps, spoilers, and functional thrust reversers - 6 General Aviation Levers with Functional TOGA (Go Around) Button for multiple aircraft configurations It requires FlyWithLua scripts for control of the Autopilot, as the default X-Plane datarefs do not work with the Concorde. Rmag 7.05K subscribers. For now it looks like you can toggle different AP modes using the push buttons, but having the bug select wheel set to anything will cause conflicts. ASUSVG289 4K 27"; Honeycomb Alpha &Bravo, Crosswind 3'sw/dampener. 2 - Make sure the ASSISTANCE settings are set to TRUE TO LIFE ! Ive seen Axis and Ohs and spad.next? Our thanks go out to SimHanger for this amazing video. Since you released this, I'm not sure if an update in MSFS changed something, I followed you directions for the Complex Twin, everything works, but none of the detents for all (3) axis light up like yours. This is it ! THe whole idea behind HC-BTQ is have it do the work for you. 16596 downloads (10 reviews) Updated January 21, 2021 I really enjoy this aircraft so here is my Bravo profile for those that fly this beauty. It could be interestingif some one can verifythis? On the MFD is shows the correct value. Once the EFB is started, click the OPTIONS tab. the AP rotaries of the Bravo are currently not supported. Removing the FSUIPC files I mentioned above, then using the Honeycomb Configurator to set buttons and switches worked. Here the json from "virtualzeus" where I added TRIM andd Start. It features multiple cockpit components including autopilot, annunciator panel, gear &flap lever as well as a trim wheel. When i throw a switch, it does not register in FSUIPC. (I know what I am talking about; I did software design - and wrote user guides - in my professional past). Best way to interface Honeycomb Alpha/Bravo with MSFS? I will post some Screenshots later today. This setup instruction you have provided is not a solution, its a terrible workaround. THROTTLE 2 AXIS (0 TO100%), Make sure the sensitivity curve of all the axes is linear and reactivity is set to 100%, The detents are set in the Electronic Flight Bag of the CRJ, Note that the Electronic Flight bag on the left is OFF. On the MFD is shows the correct value. What would you guys recommend and point me in the right direction. It is located in the south of Middle Franconia, 50 kilometres south of Nuremberg. Not even close to reality. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. Regards, info) is a Landkreis (district) in the west of Bavaria, Germany with a population of 95,000. You set the 2 small flip switches on your throttle to hold the throttle reverse trust. Profile for Airfoil Labs C172 NG, BRAVO ONLY. ===================================================. Calibrate the throttles. 3. When I increase throttle also the spoilers increase! Ein Tutorial und Anleitung fr 5 verschiedenen Flugzeug Setups und Bugfixing fr den Schubregler. This tutorial shows how to configure the Honeycomb Bravo Throttle with the Aerosoft CRJs for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Far more experts that can.probably advice you better. New Features and Capabilities for the Honeycomb Bravo. Hello - Wondering if anyone has had a similar issue as I have been seeing. C:\Users\BenPe\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\RealSimGear\bin\RealSimGear.exe Join me as I run through some easy configurations for the Boeing 787 and 747 plus the Airbus 320 neo. And somewhat user friendly. It does on the Turbo Bonanza. . I think you can use the FLAPS axis of the bravo, the flaps lever in the cockpit is showing the wrong value. The system is really simple. Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant Template for PMDG 747-400 V3 Queen of the Skies II. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. This way the button bindings stick and you dont have to do it for every type. Former USAF meteorologist & ground weather school instructor. These devices SHOULD already be configured with profiles in the SIM, for all the levers and buttons. Any assistance would be appreciated. the I downloaded works great no problems what's so ever. There doesn't appear to be an altitude +/- input that can operate without selecting the bug first, so using the INCR/DECR wheel for altitude was not possible. CRJ-700 and 900 Honeycomb Bravo Profiles (both updated with new Data References that work) - XPlane 11, X-Plane 11/12 | DeltaWing (ex. Could someone please give me info on that. Taxes and shipping calculated at checkout, t: There is currently a bug in the installer. Thats simming for you. e. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. In the same menu press the Right Arrow key ( -> ) to go to flaps calibration. I guess Im just looking for confirmation that axis and ohs is the best solution. Understand that if you have FSUIPC assignments for a yoke or other controllers you will find it necessary to do fresh assignments since you removed your FSUIPC profiles. You do need to setup the different engine profiles and you can customize the buttons on the alpha that are not already programmable. With the Bravo Throttle, the reversers need to be triggered by inputs. Download the latest Honeycomb Config Tool here: MSFS: AS_HONEYCOMB_MSFS.zip; P3D V5: AS_HONEYCOMB_P3DV5_V2.zip; P3D V4: AS_HONEYCOMB_P3DV4_V2.zip; P3D V3: AS_HONEYCOMB . has any axis assigned to any throttle function. Import it via the Honeycomb Configurator (you need the latest version 2.1.0) or use the local load function. I read all the discussion and I think this is the wright place to post my problem! I consider the profiles an essential part of the product. This profile provides support for FSX users who have purchased the Honeycomb products only to find that they are very cumbersome and time consuming to configure. It features multiple cockpit components including autopilot, annunciator panel, gear & flaps lever as well as a trim wheel. Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant Template for PMDG NGX and NGXu. But if I use the GA-flaps-lever instead of the flaps-axis (which is a trigger only) the CRJ-flaps lever responds in a correct way; using the whole way from up to down. Is this correct, and is anyone else seeing this issue as well? Most of the buttons are set as Variables. I have another big recommendation here. NOT SO! Aerosoft hosts Honeycombs software on their website. Thank you all! So watch what he does as he makes settings because he does not always mention all of what he is doing. Only real obstacle is the rotary knobs and the mouse. Eliminate any duplication. a. I am grateful for your suggestion about the basic test, it helped me narrow down my problem, I would wish that test had been mentioned in the video-user guide; b. I found that my installation of the configurator/driver software was not complete, apparently; Imhad not suspected that because everything seemed to work, just not the switches; however, I did not know about the reload feature in the P3D add-on folder; I saw that the reload function was not present in my installation; c. I therefore downloaded the software anew, de-installed the old software and profiles, re-installed the downloaded software/profiles, found the reload function in Add-ons, did the basic test: everything seemed to work: lights on the Bravo, green line on screen; d. I then configured the switches to: battery, alternator, strobe, beacon, nav, taxi, landing lights; e. when I tested the switches in the (previously loaded) A2A Piper Comanche, theydid not work at all; f. I remembered having read somewhere that there is a problem with the limit to 32 buttons/switches in P3D, assigned the switches in P3D Options/Controls to the corresponding functions: no luck; g. I then tried to assign them using (registered) FSUIPC6: I found buttons no. I am unable to set altitude via the Bravo with the normal method. You would think that since Honeycomb is am official partner of MSFS that Honeycombs equipment would be mostly plug and play and away you go. Axis 2 . Once in the calibration screen, make sure the Type and Reverser parameters are https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0276/0848/1901/files/AS_HONEYCOMB_MSFS_5.zip?v=1628621655. The ones which are shown up there can not be assigned automatically. But i managed to create a default profile for Alpha and Bravo and found a way to use FlyWithLua to set custom . Thanks very much for your assistance. Please login to display this image. I have modifiedDendarian's Alpha and Bravo json profiles to make the "Gear" and "Auto Pilot" Leds functional. Ive noticed theres quite a bit of discussion about it here on the forums. Flaps. It keeps everything simple and avoid unnecessary software layers. Did not have allot of time to investigate this, since work etc This weekend I will deep dive into this and try to make some screens for sure . Don't use FSUIPC for the CRJ throttle axes as in this case it doesn't bring any advantage. The C_17 GM III really has a stick now, and I fly that more than anything. All - I get his frustrations. . The problem with a hardcoded value is that you cannot be more specific than the hardcoded value, say 1200ft instead of 1500ft. Complex Single Engine3. https://freeware.aerosoft.com/forum/downloads/AS_HONEYCOMB_MSFS.zip. With the Prop Levers: (Video) Did you install the drivers provided on the Honeycomb support page? Once I installed it, my bluetooth headphones / all audio out is blocked. - John Deere. I also make sure I have no buttons assigned to spoilers in settings! Please check your local customs for additional information. A Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant (subject to a fee), can be bought at Amazon FlyByWire A32NX (free), download FlyByWire Simulations Settings and profiles in MSFS Werbung / Advertisements You can access the settings of Microsoft Flight Simulator2020 via Options >> ControlOptions. I have the Honeycomb alfa and the bravo and two logitec panels and I find myself using them less and less and relegate myself to interacting directly with the plane with the mouse. Now you are all set, test the flaps levers. Hi, I have bought the Honeywell Alpha and Bravo controllers and as well I fly with X-Plane 11 at the present time I am encountering a problem when I start X-Plane, and get to the cockpit, there is a message that reads as follows " jsonfile c:\Users\George\Desktop\X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\AFC_Bridge\win_x64\AFC_Yoke_Config.json" could not be opened. Gunzenhausen (German pronunciation: [ntsnhazn] (); Bavarian: Gunzenhausn) is a town in the Weienburg-Gunzenhausen district, in Bavaria, Germany.It is situated on the river Altmhl, 19 kilometres (12 mi) northwest of Weienburg in Bayern, and 45 kilometres (28 mi) southwest of Nuremberg.Gunzenhausen is a nationally recognized recreation area. . It is rather dry but if you stick with it, and use pause, and backup a few times you can sort it out. Please login to display this image. Note that the REVERSE AXIS box has nothing to do with the reversers but is only a signal polarity inversion needed with some devices. (if not today) And if its a bug we will just report it! I've been able to get everything on the Bravo working with the exception of the Flaps axis and the Altitude bug. I think I've ended up with a combination of some bindings being in P3D and others in the configurator. Check the REVERSE AXIS box. When attempting to set using the Bravo, the altitude bug does not react at all. 89 downloads (0 reviews) 0 comments You need to change your General Options/Accessibility/Cockpit Interaction System to Legacy. The increments can all be modified with the FlyWithLua scripts. The Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant is an all-in-one cockpit system featuring a configurable throttle setup, from single-engine general aviation to four-engine commercial aircraft. I have viewed some of those videos and have got my throttles and other axis working fine. This is my first profile for the Honeycomb Bravo Throttle and Yoke. Honeycomb Bravo Throttle - Base Profile - MSFS (PC/MAC) RMA Process for customers in the United States & Canada; Comments 26 comments. STEP 7: Check the REVERSE AXIS box. Honeycomb profiles for both the Alpha and Bravo are built into MSFS2020. I realise I'm missing something, but how can I create a shortcut to make sure this starts? The scripts are attached and the Datarefs are below. Because the physical flaps lever (animation) of the CRJis not showing the correct setting in this combination with the bravo. STEP 4: Please login to display this image. I am unable to set altitude via the Bravo with the normal method. The solution is to implement some type of exponential scaling. Copyright Aerosoft 2022 I also made changes to some of the warning indicators. In MSFS aint found that setting yet. Mark. That, of course, is very time and manpower consuming at is therefore often not done. Id try it out, its freeware! Honeycomb Bravo . 2022 FENIXSIM LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I have one last problem anyway i can't find a way to change the altitude on the CRJ with the Bravo. There is a video tutorial at the link below. . 6 Commercial Levers with flaps, spoilers, and functional thrust reversers, - 6 General Aviation Levers with Functional TOGA (Go Around) Button for multiple aircraft configurations, - Annunciator Panel with 7 two-way programmable switches and 14 Warning Lights, - Gear Lever with Red/Green LED landing gear indicator lights, Connectivity:USB-C to USB (Cable included), X-Plane 11, Prepar3D, Microsoft Flight Simulator. Please reference the images below for button & axis names for MSFS. Download our Honeycomb software to customize the hardware functions within your flight simulation program. next to the corresponding detent in the EFB utility. Extracted using DataRefTool for using with Honeycomb and Stream Deck Will hopefully be useful to others. We are looking for people who know the Gulf of Mexico, check here. But I dont know which is bestsorry. Please login to display this image. Setting up MSFS Actions (AIRBUS Levers) You should set your throttle axis to ( do NOT use the throttle 0-100 axis ) Axis 1. These will work with any plane that uses the default X-Plane datarefs. In Flight Simulator, go to OPTIONS -> CONTROLS, You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. The SO, I love this plane and think it is one of the most complete aircrafts available. I'm going to try unbinding all of the functions of the bug select wheel, and try setting the other wheel to increment altitude only. Import it via the Honeycomb Configurator (you need the latest version 2.1.0) or use the local load function. I hooked up my new alpha yoke and bravo throttle quadrant today. The Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant is an all-in-one cockpit system featuring a configurable throttle setup, from single-engine general aviation to four-engine commercial aircraft. Unit price Just wondering what others have found when trying out different planes with the BTQ settings. Includes printable labels for the Bravo toggle switches and PDFs explaining the mappings. I had a system crash and the leds never came back online, going back to this installer just wanted to reinstall the same app, but there's no file I can see that I can just run when I want to start FS2020. I was doing research on this and did happen to find a pack of LUA Scripts initially created for Rotary knobs that address this problem by adding 3 intervals with customizable timing and providing a separate set of datarefs to utilize with the Honeycomb configurator. On the other FS2020 Airliners I'm using this method/ assignment on my Honeycomb Bravo using the commercial levers: Example how I use the above in the B787 or A20N e.g. Powered by Invision Community, We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. Just move the Bravo levers to each detent then click the SET buttons Any help on the editing profiles would be much appreciated. I never expect plug and playnot understanding why your spoilers are not working, it varies on each aircraft i.e spoilers are automatic on A320 when landing. I have the AFC_Bridge installed yet my lights dont work. Twin Engine GA Aircraft (defualt).2. What they should have done is what other, conscientious, software houses do: put a normal user in front of the screen (and hardware) with a first version of a UG and then watch what is obviously missing in the explanation. Privacy Policy & Terms of Use, Honeycomb Bravo Throttle "Christmas Tree" application, 22 of 24 members found this review helpful, 8 of 10 members found this review helpful, 7 of 11 members found this review helpful. - Assigning the throttle axes I really cant give advice on which to use, I use axis and ohs, although I do have fsuipc registered copy. . Two profiles for the CRJ-700 and CRJ-900 containing the exact same functionality for both. Maybe if I can find the time to learn the Axis and Ohs program I can get full 100% functionality out of the Honeycomb hardware. Look both above and below the blue Close box in the image I am including. . Delete the prop control. Not sure what you are getting at about buttons not being supported? VS engages LVL CHG; REV engages LNAV;, ALT engages VNAV and IAS engages VS. By Pilot322 20 0 . Setup All Axis, Switches and Annunciators for the SWS Kodaik. Anyway Ive read some about 3rd party programs. Understand that if you have FSUIPC assignments for a yoke or other controllers you will find it necessary to do fresh assignments since you removed your FSUIPC profiles. It is confusing because under Events are two groups, one Conditions, the other Variables. Prepar3D and MSFS. Ok what about CRJ though? Sort by . It also removed the RealSimGear Add-on section: Really wish that someone would make a peripheral that would do that (not arduino, too involved for me) or a better in game manipulation option. I did create a single fresh new profile in FSUIPC to help with a couple of obscure assignments that were difficult to find in the Honeycomb app. AFCBridge Hello: I am looking for a generic set of profiles for the Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo units for either FSX-SE and/or MS2020.I don't want to apply them to a specific plane, although I usually fly the Cessna 172 Classic in MS2020, just the basic controls for a single engine prop, twin engine prop.So far, doing this myself has resulted in several Am I making something too difficult here? It also has events for the crj and cj4 that you can assign. You are free to use any other axis you look but this will translate in other AXIS bound in MSFS. Configuration of the Alpha for a "Single Engine" MSFS C172 . Not sure if its a bug. It is only possible to scan for levers called something with plus. Be aware, some flight simulation programs do not require this download.
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